Pilates Mat Teaching Training Weekends 26th March - 30th April 2021
Price: $2500 or early bird $2000 by 15th March 2021
Ready to create the strongest version of yourself
Mat Pilates Teacher Training program offers a dynamic, integrative approach to the art of teaching and practicing Pilates for those wishing to start a career as a Pilates Teacher or for those currently teaching yoga and wanting to add Pilates teaching to their repertoire.
Students will refine their own practice and acquire the confidence and skills to teach in their own unique style. Our aim is to provide all of our trainees with the resources to become highly skilled, successful Pilates teachers. The Teaching Tools provide an essential blueprint for students to reach their full potential. These tools address the anatomical foundations, ideal and alternative movements, and specific verbal and sensory cues to provide the student with a thorough teaching foundation.
The road to starting your Pilates career starts with us.
We look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Yoga 200hr Teacher Training I 4th May - 31st May 2021 Immersion
Price: $3000 or early bird $2500 before 1st April 2021
The Soul Centre Teacher Training is a comprehensive introduction to the art and science of conducting a yoga class. Our program is distinctive in the amount of time devoted to the practice and analysis of the postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama) that link them.
Our facilitators come from a broad background of styles representing lineages derived from the the father of modern yoga teachers. Our focus is on a hatha vinyasa (flow) style of practice, teaching and assisting postures and breath. Intensives on anatomy, classroom safety and sequencing as well as the use of music and text will help to prepare aspiring teachers for real classroom situations. Students will be expected to complete reading and independent study assignments to begin the process of understanding the philosophy and literature of yoga and how it can be applied to living and teaching in 21st century. Developing a strong and consistent personal practice will be emphasized as the basis for beginning to teach others. Students who graduate this program will feel confident to begin teaching at a basic to intermediate level.
We are Yoga Alliance approved
Yoga 300hr Teacher Training I 2nd August - 30th August 2021 Immersion
Price: $3000 or early bird $2500 by 1st July 2021

This teaching is designed for yoga teachers or serious students who have completed 200hr training with a strong foundation. Delve daily into the asanas to connect anatomy to movement and develop a complete understanding of alignment and muscular engagement to flow safely through a deeper practice. Discover custom modifications for different bodies. Build confidence with multiple hands-on approaches. Acquire the technical precision behind verbal cues and discover adjustments for fine-tuning the asanas.